Wednesday, 8 June 2011

The Central Banks of the Other G-7 Countries

After World War II in Germany and Japan to help in the development of new financial systems. The two countries formed by central banks deep, such as the Federal Reserve. On the line, and the tumor to adapt to internal needs, and the difference in behavior. European Central Bank was established on June 1, 1998 for control of
Growth in the euro area. During the transitional stage of economic and monetary union funds to import only from January 1, 1999) was responsible for the implementation of monetary policy in the community. Executive Board, ie, an independent unit to monitor the activities of members of the European Central Bank such as the German Bundesbank, the Bank of France and Italian ufisyo Camby PPC. The Executive Board is the decision at the European Bank maintenance of the central system, which is the work of the management of money in circulation, and the practice of foreign exchange operations, holding and management of official foreign countries, and promote the smooth operation of payment systems. This is the successor of the Executive Board of the European Monetary Institute (EMI). Central Bank of Germany, known widely as the German model of the Executive Board. This is the German is an independent body, which was held stable money, low inflation and money supply management. Put this ipèrenflasyon in Germany after the Second World War scenario created a fertile economic, political, and the emergence of extremist political parties and the beginning of World War II. This is the German central bank, and the administrator must avoid any disruption of this economy. Bank of Japan differ from the provisions of the federal form of independence. Despite the political advice is always free money political changes are still subject to approval by the Ministry of Finance (MOF). Bank of Japan's overall objective of the M2. Approximately once each quarter, banks in the case of Japan Tankan release financial. Japanese Tankan equivalent to the time the book America, and represents the state in the economy. It's Tankan results are not automatically result in changes in monetary policy. In general, the absence of inflation, central bank independence signals. This will not work, Japan, and this is another example of how different economic and financial policy of force has the opposite effect in some areas. And can be classified as Bank of England and the independent central bank because of the very government to withdraw its resolution. That was the kiss is not easy to mount. Despite the fact that British inflation was high until 1991, by two digits in late 1980, the Bank of England has done a fantastic job to show the world that can maneuver in the book mirror the exchange rate mechanism. Then enter the ERM in late 1990, the Bank of England has played an important role in maintaining the series of books that allow for the 6 percent against the deutsche mark, but the pound was a short stay in the mechanisms of exchange of links. This was the difference between the rates associated with the obligations of the ERM with the economy artificially British High sale March of this book
1992. Bank of France is a shared responsibility between the Ministry of Finance
Domestic monetary policy. The main task is not inflation and external balances. France became a major player exchange markets, and how to manage the crisis of catastrophic risk, July 1993, when the victims of the French capital market is worth. Bank of Italy is responsible for monetary policy, financial intermediary, and foreign currencies. As in other European Monetary System, the central bank, and the freezing timber and walked
Throw this crisis. With the German and the Bank de France, and the World
Italy is now part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Bank of Canada and an independent central bank, which is fine on the capital sidewalk. Because it is a complex economic relations with the United States and the Canadian dollar strong relationship with the U.S. dollar. Participation in many cases, one of the other G7 central bank dollars to support the Canadian difference. Changed its policy after the central bank intervention in 1999. Aware of this provision by the manipulation of growth of only $ 50 million in value based on the previous close was not working.


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