After more than two years, I can tell a story about the exchange rate regime. Forex is the way to work in order to gain more opportunities. Unfortunately, the whole system of the exchange rate. This occurs because the system does not work. It's you.
What happens if I tell you, I have a system that consists only of the moving average. The system can make money, lose the desire to reduce or even give you the opportunity to achieve a balance in difficult times.
You can try searching thirll lose money at the end of the day, and say the system sucks. The truth is that if someone loses exactly the same monetary system, but is money. So, where do you think is the problem? And 'the system or for yourself?
You can never make a profit in Forex, so you can understand what is wrong with you. Most times, if you lose money, and market data, news, and the system, etc., but never the same. To find what was wrong, no matter how the system will fail in your hands. Once you know what you did so wrong that can save a lot of money.
Once you know what does not seem to work without any indication. I buy only for MS. It took some time to understand, but when you see it, is no longer dependent on the index. It is your decision that counts.
You never know what can go in this world and learn Forex. Now I begin to understand why some market share without the screen. The best indicator is your mind. One only needs to grow. It will take some time. Is not busy.
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