Wednesday, 8 June 2011

A Trade Example

Are you ready? The time has come for action!
Here is a list of tasks to work, that the market is open:
- Buy now determine the spouse /
Decided on the initial investment -
- Select the correct lever
- Consider the use of trade barriers (covered in the next section)
- Free Trade
Suppose that after a while consideration of the tables across
I have found the currency, as follows:
1) Turn the euro
2) the dollar tends to bottom
Now, what is the right decision based on this circuit?
Of course you can, for the purchase of first sale and purchase of euro dollar profits, then
Euro U.S. dollar selling cheaper and more expensive.
We can do this by buying and selling currency and the euro / dollar pairs.
Reminder - was "progress" in the market prices were offered for sale at the "auction".
Suppose you buy $ 100 euro / dollar for influence in order to 1:100
Rate of 1.5461. Details of your business are:
Through the investment of $ 100
1:100 pressure
10000 units sold
EUR / USD (demand) 1.5461
Only in Danish, what you buy (= 100x100) 10.000 points for the amount of
/ USD, which corresponds to this particular group of $ 1.5461 against the euro 1.
Now, let's say we assume that at the end of the day, or maybe even a few minutes later,
EUR / USD rose to 1.5538. Sale 10 € 000 / U.S. $ Units
The new price of $ 1.5538 and the return of 177: e
This means that these seemingly small changes in speed that allow you to Cash in 77 $ for an initial investment of $ 100.
In other words, you can only use 77% of private investment through
Movement in two sizes.
For example, we see trade only risk, performance, private and non-limited,
The risk was low, which is good if you are unsure of your subscription
But as a beginner, do not dare too much, you are required
Error. By learning about specific rules for options trading
Cover your risk.


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